What I Do When I Have a Bad Day (Atomic Essay Day 27)

Today was a pretty shitty day so I tried to whatever I could to feel better. Thought I’d write about what I do on a bad day. Here it goes -

1/ Journal

I’m a big believer in writing the old school way. It helps me process things like no other medium. On a particularly bad day, I pick up my journal and try to navigate through my head.

2/ Vent

There are days where I’m not sure if I’m over reacting or how to process what I’m feeling. Talking to a friend generally helps here. Like journaling, talking to people also sometimes makes you realise how stupid you sound once you’ve put your thoughts in words.

3/ Eat good food

A distraction but good food for me is a mood uplifter for me. My partner used to jokingly say to me on a bad day - “Come let’s feed you some chicken” because it used to be something I enjoyed a lot. Today for example I picked up leftover cake I’d made yesterday and made some kadak ginger tea.

4/ Do something with my hands

Another distraction that could range from cooking a meal to my recent hobby - tablet weaving. Doing something with your hands helps drowning the voice inside your head. It also channelises all the anger/stress productively.

5/ Go for a walk or exercise

Sweat magically washes away everything - including stress.

What do you do when you’re stressed?


Productivity 101 (Atomic Essay Day 28)


Learning Nerd’s Diary #08 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻