Self Care Is… (Atomic Essay Day 30)

Self care can look different for different people and different moods -

  1. Meeting old friends

  2. Staying in bed all day

  3. Binge watching all night

  4. Drinking yourself sick

  5. Over eating

  6. Desserts - lots of them

  7. Meditation (And maybe sleeping while you’re at it)

  8. Exercise & sweating it out

  9. Hiding from people you don’t like

  10. Switching off your phone

  11. Not answering someone’s messages

  12. Ignoring someone’s calls

  13. Saying no to things that will upset you more

  14. Faking a sick day at work

  15. Window shopping

  16. Ordering in all meals from outside

  17. Retail therapy

  18. Buying things you don’t really need

  19. Sitting in your pyjamas all day

  20. Going for a walk

  21. Coffee/ Ginger tea

  22. Reading a good book

  23. Pampering yourself

  24. Getting a haircut

  25. Getting a message

  26. Salon day

  27. Sleeping in

  28. Dancing with blaring music

  29. Going for a drive

  30. Getting wet in the rain

  31. Colouring / scribbling

  32. Getting angry

  33. Crying your lungs out

  34. Journaling

  35. Working on your passion project

  36. Watching the sunset

  37. Spending time in nature

  38. Cooking your favourite meal

  39. Marvelling at something, anything

  40. Seeing old pictures

  41. Reminiscing old memories/ incidents

  42. Not reading the news

  43. Watching a movie that you know by heart

  44. Going home - wherever that may be

  45. Cuddling

  46. Sitting by a beach

  47. Breaking habits

  48. Creating something with your hands

  49. A little bit (or a lot) of vanity

  50. Watching animal videos on the internet


Learning Nerd’s Diary #09 🍓


Our Relationship with Rest Needs Work (Atomic Essay Day 29)