Process Workshops - Unleashing the Power of Collaborative LxD

Do you also feel like a one-person LxD army, juggling needs analysis, content creation, and stakeholder management?

There's a hidden gem that can transform your workflow and unleash the collaborative power of your team: process workshops.

For LxDs, workshops are often synonymous with engaging learners in interactive sessions designed to achieve specific learning objectives. Workshops are often the destination.

But what about leveraging the power of workshops as the path? Process workshops are sessions you do to enhance your own processes and team dynamics. This article explores the concept of process workshops, diving into their various forms and highlighting the benefits they offer for LXD teams.

Not your Regular Workshop

A workshop is a structured, interactive session designed to achieve specific learning and development goals through active participation.

A process workshop is a structured, interactive session with an internal team/ collaborator/ or even your end learner designed to move ahead in the process of learning experience design. Process workshops can help you with:

  • Deeper insights: Through interactive activities and discussions, you gain a richer understanding of your stakeholders' needs and perspectives.

  • Enhanced collaboration: Workshops break down silos, fostering teamwork and knowledge sharing across departments.

  • Improved buy-in: By actively involving stakeholders in the design process, you increase their understanding and commitment to the project.

  • Improved efficiency: Streamline processes, address challenges collaboratively, and develop innovative solutions.

Different Types for Different Needs

Just like a musician chooses the right instrument for the melody, there are different types of process workshops for every stage of the LxD process:

1. Kick-off Workshop 🏁


Project Kickoff

How to use it well:

  • Set the tone and build excitement: Incorporate fun, team-building activities to break the ice, encourage interaction, and foster a positive team spirit.

  • Project deep dive: Provide a clear overview of the project goals, target audience, learning objectives, and timeline. Encourage questions and open discussion.

  • Role definition and ownership: Clearly define team member roles and responsibilities, ensuring everyone understands their contribution to the project.

Value add:

  • Creates a sense of shared ownership, boosts team morale

  • Establishes a clear project roadmap from the very beginning, setting the stage for a successful learning design process

2. Research Workshop πŸ”Ž


Early LxD phases (Needs Analysis, Requirement Gathering)

How to use it well:

  • Think focus group: Facilitate open discussions and activities like card sorting or mind mapping to uncover stakeholder needs, existing knowledge, and pain points.

  • Embrace diverse voices: Include various stakeholders (managers from different departments, subject matter experts) to get a well-rounded perspective.

Value add:

  • Uncover hidden needs that traditional surveys might miss, leading to more targeted and effective learning programs

  • Improve efficiency by getting all relevant stakeholders in a room instead of doing 1:1 calls with them

3. Alignment Workshop πŸ“


Before the design phase (Design Brief Development)

How to use it well:

  • Set the stage: Clearly define the project goals and desired outcomes.

  • Facilitate open discussion: Encourage stakeholders and team members to share their perspectives on the project scope, potential challenges, and any existing constraints.

  • Collaboratively build the design brief: Utilise techniques like mind mapping or group brainstorming to capture key elements like target audience, learning objectives, content format, and delivery methods.

Value add:

  • Ensures everyone involved is on the same page from the outset, leading to a more focused, efficient, and collaborative learning design process

4. Brainstorming Workshop 🧠


Design phase (Content Development, Program/ Curriculum/ Activity Design)

How to use it well:

  • Channel your inner child: Encourage creative thinking with brainstorming techniques like "SCAMPER" (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to Users, Eliminate, Rearrange) or role-playing scenarios.

  • Build on each other's ideas: Implement a "round robin" format where participants expand on each other's ideas, fostering innovation and collaboration.

Value add:

  • Generate a wealth of creative ideas and solutions, leading to a more engaging and impactful learning experience.

5. Break-Down Workshop πŸ”¨


During the design & development process (Prototyping, Feedback)

How to use it well:

  • Shift perspectives: Encourage participants to step outside their comfort zones and adopt the role of a "critical learner."

  • Embrace "what-if" scenarios: Utilise brainstorming techniques to identify potential weaknesses, flaws, and areas where the learning experience might fall short.

  • Prototype testing and feedback: Integrate user testing or usability testing into the workshop to gather real-time feedback and identify potential design flaws.

Value add:

  • Proactively identifies potential roadblocks and areas for improvement throughout the design process, leading to a more robust and effective learning experience.

In a Nutshell 🌰

Process Workshops are powerful tools for LXDs, helping us create enriching learning experiences while fostering collaboration and deeper understanding with our teams, clients, and organisations. 3 tips to use process workshops effectively:

  • Clear goals: Define clear objectives for each workshop and tailor activities to achieve them.

  • Focused facilitation: Choose a skilled facilitator who can guide discussions, manage time effectively, and keep the energy high.

  • Active participation: Encourage all participants to contribute, ensuring everyone feels valued and heard.

You know the saying right - β€œAsk and you shall receive!”

Now tell me, do you still want to be a one-person LxD army?


Learn Like an Animal


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