My Recipe for Motivation

I get a lot of questions around what a learning experience designer does exactly. There is no better way to explain that - then deep diving into what my day looks like. And since we at the LxD Lab have been talking a lot about motivation these past few months, I’m going to use that as a lens to unpack that on the end :)


Some context before we begin - I’m currently working on 2 large projects at this point. The first one is the LxD Lab Motivation Handbook - a Handbook coming out on 5th September with case studies and tools that our community of ~20 learning experience designers (aka the Lab Rats) are putting together. The second one is a partnership between Harsh Doshi & me - something in it’s early stages where we’re still trying to figure out what do we want to do.

Get-up, exercise & get ready

For me mornings are for 2 things - movement & introspection.

I start my day with exercise. Since I fractured my ankle 2 months back - rehab has taken its place. I also like to use some of my morning time to journal and make my favourite meal of the day - breakfast!

Figuring out what a case study looks like

I spent a chunk of my morning trying to figure out how a case study for the LxD Lab Handbook could come together. These case studies are examples of real programs/ products that have solved for motivation.

I started with a version 1 of the content of the case study and was trying to figure out how it can come together on a website in the best way possible keeping this in mind:

How do justice to the work done by our partner organisations without it seeming overwhelming for our readers?

Brainstorming on a workshop plan

After these first few hours on the case study, I got into a meeting with Harsh to iron out a session plan for a workshop Harsh & I are doing next week. The workshop is going to be on the Golden Circle of Motivation - a tool we’ve developed at the LxD Lab.

Since learning by doing is more a philosophy for us, we spent a large chunk of this meeting trying to figure out -

How might we get people to truly experience this tool meaningfully during the workshop?

Reading on AI

We’ve been trying to figure out the role that AI can play in the LxD Lab Handbook and address 2 things:

How can we streamline the creation of the handbook using AI?

For the end users who are consuming this handbook, how do we help them discover the right content through AI?

I spent the afternoon going over some resources shared by one of our advisors - Dr. Philippa Hardman, an educator doing some amazing work in the world of AI & Learning. I put down some ideas and shared with the Lab Rats.

Figuring out the business

Harsh & I spent the earlier part of this month workshopping our way through designing our business. From a Theory of Change to a Business Model Canvas - we put down everything we had in our minds on what we want to do & how we plan to get there.

We spent this meeting trying to unpack some of the feedback we’d received on a concept note we’d put together on our plan. A question both of us have been going back to again and again -

How might we build something that we love and can continue to do for the rest of our lives?

Getting my hands dirty

I spent the evening painting a Mandala using this kit a friend gave me.

Since I was a kid, I have loved building things from my hand. Over the years I’ve realised I’m happiest when I’m building things and try my best to integrate some part of ‘creation’ in my day. Depending on how my day is going it takes the form of craft/ cooking/ drawing.

Unwinding with family

I ended the day by watching a series with my family. We spoke about how our days went over dinner. I read a book a friend gave me - Four Thousand Weeks and called it a day!

My Recipe for Motivation

Over the years (& many burn outs later), I’ve realised that I need these things everyday for me to be motivated -

  • Movement: Exercise in some shape or from

  • Thinking: Some time to just sit in silence with my thoughts

  • Learning: Something new I’m learning

  • Building: Creating something tangible

  • Collaboration: Working with people on meaningful projects

  • Connection: Feeling a sense of belonging

At different points of my day above, I have tried to activate different things in my recipe for motivation.

What is your recipe for motivation? What keeps you going? I’d love to hear from you!


Learning Nerd’s Diary #84


Learning Nerd’s Diary #83