Mastering Learning Content: A Guide

Talking about learning without talking about content seems a bit impossible.

My biggest pet peeve? When those two are used interchangeably.

Learning ≠ Content

Let’s unpack this further…

🗺️ Context Matters (Who, Where & When)

Content is one part of the learning experience.

Focussing on content without looking at the entire learning experience is like serving the best Pasta in a Japanese Restaurant. Context matters!

There are 3 parts you need to think of when it comes to context - who, where & when.


Consider the learner & the facilitator. Who are they? What brings them to the learning experience? What do they currently know already?

Different learners (& stakeholders) have different content needs. A professional looking to upskill has different needs than a full-time college student.


Consider the learning environment. Is it a formal classroom, an online course, a workplace training session, or a casual discussion?

Different settings demand different types of content. Content that supports a teacher in a classroom is very different than the content that you might need in an online workshop.


Timing is everything. Is it an introduction, a deep dive, or a quick refresher?

Tailor the timing of your content according to when a learner is expected to consume that content.

🛠️ Building Content (Why, What & How)

Now that we’ve figured out how the context impacts content, let’s dissect learning content itself.

There are 3 parts you need to think about when it comes to content - why, what & how.


Consider the purpose of the content. Is it there to support the teacher? Is it there to deepen understanding or unpack the application for a concept?

Asking yourself why the content is necessary and what should learners gain from it is a great way to start. Be crystal clear on your purpose.


Think of the curriculum you’re covering. Is it relevant for the learner? Is it applicable? What are the different smaller topics under it? What should be the sequence of those topics?

Too much to cover & your learners can be overwhelmed, too little and your learners don’t feel challenged.


Packaging matters! The same content can be served in various ways. From a video to a presentation to a quiz - what is the best way to engage with this topic?

Think of the pedagogy, format & media keeping all the other 5Ws in mind!

🌰 In a Nutshell

While thinking of learning content, don’t forget to think of the 5Ws & 1H:


  • Who: Learner + Facilitator

  • Where: Learning Environment

  • When: Timing


  • Why: Purpose

  • What: Curriculum + Complexity + Sequencing

  • How: Pedagogy + Medium


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