Learning Nerd’s Diary #96

Welcome back Learning Nerds!

This week's diary is about having a conversation about conversations! From driving engagement to building a sense of belonging, from having better meetings to helping us stay sane - conversations are the backbone of the world & by extension of learning too.

👀 Sneak peak

Here is what I have in store for you this week -

💭 Learning About Learning: Conversations Spark Engagement

🥜 Learning Nugget: Conversation Tapestry

💥 Coolest Thing I Learnt This Week:

  • Lean Coffee

  • The Conversational OS Canvas

  • Timeout

🔦 Spotlight: Conversational Formats

Let's jump right in!

💭 Learning About Learning

In the world of learning design, engagement is the cornerstone of success. It's the driving force that transforms ordinary learning experiences into extraordinary journeys of knowledge and growth. When learners are engaged, they are actively involved, enthusiastic, and motivated to learn.

To effectively enhance engagement, it's crucial to understand its different facets. Engagement encompasses three key dimensions: behavioural, emotional, and cognitive.

In this article, we’re going to explore the key issues LxDs face in each of the above & how conversational formats are great tools to solve them!

Conversational formats are a type of learning activity that uses conversation as the primary mode of instruction.

Let’s jump in!

👋 Behavioural Engagement
aka visible signs of active participation

Behavioural engagement manifests in observable actions that demonstrate a learner's active involvement. It's the nodding heads, the scribbling of notes, the lively discussions – all visible cues that learners are tuned in and engaged.

Key issues for LxDs:

  • Distractions: The abundance of distractions in today's digital world can easily divert learners' attention away from the learning content.

  • Passive Participation: Traditional teaching methods, such as lectures and presentations, often encourage passive participation, failing to stimulate active engagement.

Conversational formats that can help:

  • Think-Pair-Share: This simple yet effective format encourages active participation by having learners think about a question or topic individually, then pair up with a partner to discuss their thoughts, and finally share their insights with the entire group.

  • Fishbowl Conversations: This engaging format highlights diverse viewpoints, stimulating curiosity and sparking lively discussions that draw learners into the conversation.

💜 Emotional Engagement
aka fueling passion and motivation

Emotional engagement refers to the emotional connection that learners develop with the learning experience. It's the feeling of excitement, relevance, and personal connection that ignites their passion and drives them to keep engaging with their learning.

Key issues for LxDs:

  • Irrelevance: Learning content that fails to resonate with learners' interests and experiences can leave them feeling disengaged and apathetic.

  • Lack of personal connection: When learners feel disconnected from the learning content and the instructor, their emotional engagement wanes, hindering their motivation to learn.

Conversational formats that can help:

  • Role Plays/ Scenario-based Learning: Immersing learners in realistic situations taps into their emotions, making the learning experience more relatable and engaging.

  • W3 - What, So What, What Now?: A great reflection prompt on how what learners have learned is useful for them. From facts (What) to analysis/ insights (So what?) to next steps/ actionable (Now what?)

🧠 Cognitive Engagement
aka deepening understanding

Cognitive engagement refers to the mental effort that learners invest in understanding the learning content. It's the process of actively processing information, analyzing concepts, and making connections between ideas.

Key issues for LxDs:

  • Rote Memorisation: Learning experiences that focus solely on memorisation fail to stimulate cognitive engagement, leaving learners with superficial knowledge that is quickly forgotten.

  • Lack of Critical Thinking: When learning experiences don't encourage critical thinking and problem-solving, cognitive engagement remains dormant, hindering learners' ability to apply knowledge effectively.

Conversational formats that can help:

  • Jigsaw: This collaborative format encourages learners to explore different aspects of a topic, deepening their understanding and fostering cognitive engagement through peer-to-peer learning.

  • Bohmian Dialogue: Deepens understanding and encourages participants to apply their insights by listening, exploring, and co-creating. (More on this here)

🌰 In a Nutshell

Conversational formats, when used effectively, act as a great stimulus for behavioural, emotional, and cognitive aspects of engagement. By embracing the power of conversational formats, learning designers can create engaging and enriching learning experiences that leave a lasting impact on learners.

🥜 Learning Nuggets

Conversations are like the threads that weave the tapestry of learning.

They spark curiosity, deepen understanding, and foster a sense of community among learners.

💥 Coolest Thing I Learnt this Week

Lean Coffee

Meetings are not effective - it’s true. But how do you make them? Lean Coffee is one such tools that makes meetings democratic and more importantly, effective!

A bit more about it here & a re-usable Miro Board to host your next Lean Coffee can be found here.

The Conversational OS Canvas

Conversations can seem like mushy, fluid things. Holding and guiding a conversation can feel like trying to mail someone a thought. Yet conversations do have a structure, if you slow them down and look closely enough. Mastering that structure can help you design conversations that really matter.

An amazing framework on how to structure conversations better! Check it out here.


If you’re looking to facilitate a dialogue with different people coming together - Timeout can be a really interesting tool to use!

🔦 Spotlight

This week's diary was inspired by ​this session​ on Conversational Formats conducted by ​L&D Shakers​ & ​Kaospilot​ that I attended!

Love & Learning

Until we meet next week, I wish you…

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Lights, Camera, Learning Cheatsheet


Conversation Spark Engagement