Learning Nerd’s Diary #94

Welcome back Learning Nerds!

The last 2 weeks here in India have been the festive season - we’ve been celebrating the festival of lights, Diwali. This week’s diary takes inspiration from just that. We’ll talk about one thing that is more under-rated and under-represented in learning - celebration!

👀 Sneak peak

Here is what I have in store for you this week -

💭 Learning About Learning: Learning Party

🥜 Learning Nugget: Celebration Plot twist

💥 Coolest Thing I Learnt This Week:

  • Celebrate Learning Over Achievement

  • How to Build a Learning City

🔦 Spotlight: Learning Charters

Let's jump right in!

💭 Learning About Learning

Why Celebration? 🥳

Celebration in learning is like the high-five your brain gives itself when you achieve something, big or small. It's the acknowledgment of progress, a shout-out to your hard work, and a reminder that learning is not just about reaching the finish line but enjoying the race.

Why is it crucial, you ask?

  • Celebration in learning is the ultimate motivation booster. Motivated learners are engaged learners.

  • Celebrations act as memory markers, enhancing retention and recall. They turn learning moments into highlights, making the entire journey more memorable.

  • The celebration also encourages a sense of community among participants - through shared achievements or collaborative milestones, celebrating together fosters a supportive learning community.

  • Learning can be challenging - including celebrations into these challenges transforms them into opportunities by adding positive reinforcement.

  • And lastly, celebration adds to the learning culture - ensuring that learners are engaged, motivated and happy throughout the learning journey.

What can you celebrate? 🍾

We shouldn’t wait till the end of the learning journey to celebrate. A learning journey is filled with multiple milestones that can and should be celebrated. Here are 5 such instances:

  • A Great Question: Someone asked a great question. Let them know!

  • The "Aha!" Moments: Celebrate lightbulb moments when a complex concept clicks to everyone in the group. Acknowledge it!

  • Helping Hands: If someone lends a hand in a learning journey, give them a shout-out. Celebrate the mentors, study buddies, or online communities that make learning a shared experience.

  • Overcoming Challenges: Did a learner tackle a tough assignment or conquer a fear of public speaking? Celebrate the hurdles you jump, not just the finish line.

  • Completing a Module: Finishing a module is like reaching a pit stop. Take a moment to celebrate the progress before gearing up for the next leg of your learning adventure.

How to Celebrate Learning? 🪅

Just like any other part of the learning experience, celebration as well can’t be an afterthought! It needs to be intentional & designed for. Here is a list of ideas on how to design for celebration:

  • Badges: Create badges for completed milestones. It's like earning medals in a learning Olympics!

  • Win Wall: Establish a digital or physical "Wins Wall" where learners can post their achievements, big or small at the end of a week. It's like a virtual trophy room that keeps growing.

  • Progress Tracker: Build a progress tracker that each learner fills out at the end of a module. This could take the form of a simple checklist that learners keep ticking off periodically.

  • Shout-outs: Encourage learners to celebrate their peers by incorporating a "Shout-out" ritual periodically. Being celebrated by your peers is a great motivator.

  • Awards Show: Host an awards show with different awards on behaviours you want to encourage within the learning ecosystem.

So the next time you’re learning yourself or designing for learning - remember to add celebration to it! It just makes everything more delightful! 🎈

🥜 Learning Nuggets

Learning without celebration is like a book without a plot twist-Boring!

From learning to questions to progress to milestones - celebrate every moment and make your learning unforgettable!

💥 Coolest Thing I Learnt this Week

Celebrate Learning Over Achievement

Robin Pendoley in this article talks about an important point:

Celebrate every win.

He talks about the distinction between celebrations of achievement and celebration of learning - and how we do so much of the former instead of the later.

How to Build a Learning City

An interesting video that talks about the intersection of community, learning and celebration -


🔦 Spotlight

Sneak peek into a workshop I did on Learning Charters for the second cohort of Careers with Purpose by The Better India.

Love & Learning

Until we meet next week, keep celebrating!

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Learning Nerd’s Diary #95


Learning Party: A Mini Guide to Celebration in Learning