Learning Nerd’s Diary #86

Welcome back Learning Nerds!

I’ve had an exciting last week, I was moonlighting for Offbeat’s newsletter and the LxD Lab did their first launch! (More on that inside :)

This week’s diary is all about observation, copying & learning. Are you ready?

👀 Sneak peak

Here is what I have in store for you this week -

💭 Learning About Learning: Observation as a Learning Superpower

🥜 Learning Nugget: Copycats

💥 Coolest Thing I Learnt This Week:

  • Copying is how we learn

  • Never Copy

  • Social Learning Theory

🔦 Spotlight: Motivation Matters Handbook

Let's jump right in!

💭 Learning About Learning

All living beings learn through observations. From birds learning how to fly to babies learning how to walk - so much of what we learn is just by looking at others do it.

As we grow older though, this act of observing and copying starts having a bad rep. We seek originality and identity in everything, but that can be counter-intuitive while learning something new.

Here are 3 ways in which you can use observation to learn better:

1/ Dig Deeper: Go beyond the obvious 🔬

When observing something, whether it's a colleague's presentation, a tutorial video, or someone else demonstrating a skill you want to pick up - go beyond the surface and ask "So what?"

Instead of merely noting what you see, try to understand why it matters and how it can be applied in your context.


While watching a cooking show, don't just follow the recipe; understand the techniques & science behind each step to become a more versatile cook.

2/ Paraphrase: Make it your own 🫶🏼

Observation can be even more powerful when you actively engage with the information you're receiving. After observing or learning something new, simply paraphrase it in your own words.

This process forces you to internalise the knowledge, making it easier to remember and apply.


After observing someone having a difficult conversation - summarise the key strategies and tactics used. This will make it easier when you try to replicate them in your conversations.

3/ Share: Invite diverse perspectives 🎨

Sharing observations with others is a great way to accelerate your learning. Sharing can happen through a conversation, a social media post and even a small presentation you can give on something!

This process not only invites diverse perspectives & open dialogues but also reinforces your understanding of something.


Writing a LinkedIn post summarising your learnings on writing from observing 5 articles by your favourite author.

In a Nutshell 🌰

Learning through observation is a skill that has been honed over millions of years in the animal kingdom. As adults, we can tap into this innate ability to significantly improve our own learning experiences.

So, the next time you observe something, remember the powerful potential it holds for your own learning journey.

🥜 Learning Nuggets

The best skill you can learn?

Be a great copycat.

💥 Coolest Thing I Learnt this Week

Copying is how we learn

Austin Kleon, the author of Steal like an Artist wrote this article sharing how 'natural' copying is & shares real examples from his own kids.

My favourite line from the article:

Copying and mimicry is as natural to them as breathing. There’s nobody around telling them they should do any differently, nobody saying something dumb like, “Don’t you want to do something original?” So they go about their mimicry, unfettered by any adult notions about originality.

Never Copy Never Learn, Always Copy Always Fail

Social Learning Theory

"Learning would be exceedingly laborious, not to mention hazardous, if people had to rely solely on the effects of their own actions to inform them what to do," Albert Bandura

I came across this interesting article on how we learn through observation, imitation & modelling. Check it out!


🔦 Spotlight

Last week, the LxD Lab launched the ‘Motivation Matters’ Handbook - with 5 real life case studies and 9 tools on designing for learner motivation (& more coming soon!).

If you want to learn from amazing organisations that have solved for learner motivation (Learning through observation & copying ftw!) here is the link -

Love & Learning

Until we meet next week, make sure you...

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Observation as a Learning Superpower


Co-Creating Learning: LxD Lab's Journey