Learning Nerd’s Diary #57

Welcome back Learning Nerds!

Learning is not the same for everyone! This week’s diary tries to unpack that by looking at different modes and medium of learning.

👀 Sneak peak

Here is what I have in store for you this week -

💭 Learning About Learning: Learning vs Action Zone

🥜 Learning Nugget: Learners in the Driver’s Seat

💥 Coolest Thing I Learnt This Week:

  • Shiny new Metaphors

  • Action > Consumption

  • Different styles of thinking

🔦 Spotlight: Design for All 5 Senses

Let's jump right in!

💭 Learning About Learning

You can’t learn how to walk while trying to run.

There is a time to learn and there is a time to act.

You can’t do both at the the same time.

Imagine you’re learning how to ride a bike. The first few times you’re on it - it’s hard, it requires focus, grit because you’re trying to learn a new skill. All your energy is going in wiring your brain to learn how to ride a bike. You will fall and get hurt and you will want to give up - it’s only natural because you’re in the Learning Zone.

The Learning Zone is the starting line. It’s a place you find yourself at when you’re starting to learn something absolutely new. The best thing you can do is give yourself time and not give up.

The biggest mistake we make at this phase is to put a timeline to our growth “I want to learn how to ride a bike by the end of the month.” When you don’t achieve it, you get demotivated and give up.

The solve? Set a goal and set milestones for your effort. In the case of riding a bike:

  • Goal: Learn how to ride a bike

  • Effort: 1 hour of practice everyday

The pressure of performance is why a lot of people give up in the Learning Zone.

Now once you’ve learnt how to ride a bike, you can stretch yourself. You can race with your friends, you can try to ride with only one hand or try to climb that steep mountain. This is because you’re in the Action Zone.

The Action Zone comes after the initial inertia of starting something. It’s where you now comfortable with this thing that seemed new before. The best thing you can do at this point is to keep challenging yourself in new ways.

The biggest mistake we make at this phase is doing the same thing again and again - what we did in the Learning Zone. But if you’re not challenged enough, you will get bored and quit.

The solve? Find newer challenges for yourself. In the case of riding a bike, there could be things you vary to challenge yourself:

  • Time

  • Speed

  • Terrain

  • Effort

The boredom of doing the same thing again and again is why a lot of people give up in the Action Zone.

So the next time you’re trying to learn something? Stop and ask yourself - “Which zone am I in”. Act accordingly!

🥜 Learning Nugget

Put your learners in the driver’s seat.

Give your learners choice - wherever possible.
The more agency they have, the more ownership they will feel!

💥 Coolest Thing I Learnt this Week

Metaphors: Crafting Language to Shape Culture

My love for metaphors is no secret! Metaphors are also a really underrated tool while designing learning experiences. Not only do they help us understand things faster, they also help in making connections to things we already know.

I came across this article on metaphors that I absolutely loved. And the best part - it also gives a recipe for making your own metaphor!

Action > consumption

Different styles of thinking

This article has been a mental rollercoaster. While reading it, I was part “Oh my, that is so me!” and part “Oh really? That can’t be true!” While I’m still trying to unpack this for myself, I felt it was good to share it, maybe we can unpack it together?

🔦 Spotlight

And since we're on this topic of modes, mediums, and learning. Here is one of my favourite Ted Talks!

Love & Learning

Until we meet next week!

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Learning vs Action Zone


Learning Nerd’s Diary #56