Family Time (Atomic Essay Day 25)

I spent the good part of the last 2 days with family that I was meeting almost after 6 months. We caught up, re-lived old memories, laughed at the same old jokes and ate lots of good food. There was a certain sense of comfort and celebration in the air. Even now as I’m writing this, I can’t help but smile a little.

There is just something about meeting up family. And by family I mean anyone who has seen you be a different person that who you are today. For me that ranges from my college roommate to my partner to people I’m related to by blood.

Spending time with family is almost like watching a movie of your own life. It makes you realise how much you’ve grown and how much you’ve stayed the same. Even being able to preempt how someone is going to react or when someone is going to get under your skin is comforting.

In an effort to be in with the new, and be β€˜independent’ - I have also been guilty of running away from family. Their honestly can sometimes seem too brutal, their quirks can be annoying but their heart is always in the right place.

Find your people. Find your family. Keep them close.


Why Building Habits Requires a Thick Skin (Atomic Essay Day 26)


The Power of the Tangible (Atomic Essay Day 24)