Digital Diet - Short Circuiting Learning (Atomic Essay Day 22)

One of the first things I do when I’m trying to learn something new is go on social media and start following people that are doing what I want to do. It started as an unconscious thing, something I did when I was trying to do more with photography, then food. Most recently, I started keto earlier this year and the first thing I did is go follow keto chefs on Instagram. It’s something that helped me feel a lot less like a freak in what I was doing. It also helped the last 6 months look really good - you know food-wise.

Food is a very central part of my life. I couldn’t help but draw parallels to all the information that we consume - our β€˜digital diet’. It is something that not only impacts our mood, but can also short circuit our learning:

  • Want to stay updated on news? Tailor your Twitter feed to match that

  • Looking for inspiration for food? Go follow that food blogger

  • Exploring a new career choice? Follow similar people on LinkedIn

We talk about the downsides of media and technology (and there are many!) but we can turn it around to our advantage you know, specially while learning new things.


Why Kids Inspire Me (Atomic Essay Day 23)


Cooking for all Moods (Atomic Essay Day 21)